Our Activities

Awarded scholarships

Awarded scholarships to university students. We have produced a medical doctor. The difference we make in a young person’s life today will be the glory of tomorrow for the whole community.

Donated textbooks to secondary Schools

Human capital is an invaluable resource to any state and no specific region is endowed with it. It has to be cultivated and tended. It is essential that the Ehugbo people enable opportunities for its citizens to participate actively at the state and national levels. Therefore, nurturing and training of those who would be the flag bearers for tomorrow should be an essential prerogative of those who are here today.

Early Education Development

In pursuit of the development of human capital, Friends of Ehugbo, Inc. is undertaking a project that will help establish excellence at the secondary school level. Friends (as we are referred to simply) has instituted a program that will elicit competition between schools. Improving early education in Mathematics and English will provide a solid background for the future economy of the state. Educationists attest that a sound background in these two subjects is necessary for success in any field of human intellectual endeavor.

The aim of the Friends of Ehugbo, Inc. initiative is to help improve student achievement. Every year, two schools will be selected to compete against each other in Mathematics and English. Curricula materials in these subjects will be supplied to the schools. The teachers from JS1 (Grade 6) through JS3 (Grade 8) will work with the students. At the end of JS3 when the students take the common exam, the better school will be recognized and presented with cash awards as follows: the Principal N15,000; each of the three level teachers N10,000 and the student N5,000. The winning student will be automatically entered in the scholarship applicant pool when s/he graduates from SS3 and wishes to go on to attain university training.

Humanitarian Efforts

Modern Water-system Latrine Facility at Ezi Ukwu Ukpa with 20 stalls

Portable water through boreholes completed – one in Ezi Ukie, Mgbom; two in Ezi Ihere, Ozizza and one in Ezi Umagha Uzo, Ozizza